
d for human potential, performance and wellbeing.

Untapped Lab is an innovation practice that energizes founders and business leaders to create extraordinary wellness ventures.

Do these resonate?

Exceptional people need support to do extraordinary work.

Endlessly curious and talented?
You are a problem-solver and embrace challenge, often  taking on too many responsibilities and end up committing to too many options.
Ahead of the curve?
You are a visionary who has the foresight to see possibilities others  can’t but have a hard time getting them to understand or polishing that idea.
Hustling high performer?
You are an ambitious striver who cares deeply about your work –  some times to the detriment of your own wellbeing and end up procrastinating.
Believe in the impossible?
You are a risk taker who wants to build a better tomorrow and  have sacrificed the comfort of cushy security to follow your dreams – but making them a  reality is a struggle no one else understands.
Work on yourself?
You are constantly self-developing to improve your self-awareness and  integrity to embody your greatest potential. Even when the feedback is tough to hear.
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client
image of an untapped lab client

To tap our potential so we can be better for each other.

You and I both know there’s nothing like launching a new venture to test one’s level of self-awareness, desire to grow, or commitment to something greater. It’s an infinite game, the ultimate path. We are constantly challenged, take unforeseen forks in the road, and need to dig deep to keep our dreams alive. We do it for a sense of freedom and expression. It's a way to harness the fullest sense of what we offer —in our own unique way — to make this world a little better while we're here.


to energize and sustain a co-lab of dedicated founders to directly influence the wellbeing of 1M people.

we are untapped

Working collaboratively, we form a lean-mean-powerful-team to examine what is holding you back - and co-create a compelling vision and venture to propel you forward!

Innovator, strategist, coach and practitioner – I am animated by your dreams, inspired by the human body-mind-spirit, and motivated by a better future.

What we do
my perspective

“Life is not a marathon – but a series of sprints (and strolls).”

Amena Lee - Founder of Untapped Lab

Join a community of wellness founders, creators and innovators.

Fall in love with the problem
image of the founder of untapped lab
Amena Lee Shlaikjer

Founder = Problem

Fall in love with YOU being the problem!


Get better at thinking and sensing


Not your ordinary design thinking tools.
Click below to get better at thinking AND sensing.

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say hello@untappedlab.co

Would love to hear what you’re working on, struggling with, thinking about, wishing for...

get in touch

don't burn out while starting up!

Get in touch to see how a sprint can help you gain more focus, flow and momentum on your unique wellness business idea. Book a discovery call to identify where you need support on moving your ideas forward.

image of untapped lab client

“It’s like I have my very own ‘vision therapist’ to hold me accountable!”

an image of a star
David R.