Flow forward with your vision.

Unlike mentors that only focus on personal development or consultants that only focus on business growth, I offer a blended approach of bespoke design sprints and flow coaching for venture leaders and teams to accelerate innovative solutions in human potential, performance and well-being.




to help humans tap our unrealized potential.



to energize and sustain a co-lab of dedicated founders to directly influence the wellbeing of 1M people.



introducing our founder...

Amena Lee Schlaikjer


Spent my 20s working directly with founders launching their lifestyle companies. Then helped launch China’s first innovation company in 2005 before branching out on my own in 2010 to focus on health & sustainability projects in my 30s. Took a few sabbaticals off to be a yoga teacher, dive master, and performance coach before designing a remote lifestyle. Now in my 40s I want to empower other founders to design their lives.

image of the founder of untapped lab
Performance coach
Design thinker
Wellness practitioner
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10 years as an entrepreneur connects me to the necessity of skin-in-the-game.

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15 years facilitating innovation projects provides me a versatile problem-solving toolkit.

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20 years as a mind-body practitioner informs me with the notion that change isn’t an intellectual exercise

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THNK School of Creative Leadership

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BA Columbia University | Barnard College

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AS Fashion Institute of Technology

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ICF PCC Certified Coach

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Body = Brain Graduate

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WellCoaches Graduate

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Weightlessness 500 hours TT

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Yoga 320 hours TT

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PADI Dive Master

say hello@untappedlab.co

Would love to hear what you’re working on, struggling with, thinking about, wishing for...

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don't burn out while starting up!

Get in touch to see how a sprint can help you gain more focus, flow and momentum on your unique wellness business idea. Book a discovery call to identify where you need support on moving your ideas forward.

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“It’s like I have my very own ‘vision therapist’ to hold me accountable!”

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David R.