sprint sessions.

1 — 3
Find your Focus
1 week

Defining a direction to flow forward.

Indecision — it’s the ultimate energy zapper. Whether we are stuck between options, unclear of a direction, or in downright analysis paralysis on the details…it can put a halt to your progress for months (sometimes even years if you know people who are still talking about “that great idea I shoulda…”).

A FOCUS SPRINT is the antidote to that: zooming out and adjusting your aperture to take energetic steps in the right direction. The goal is to see the mountain peak, set your compass, and carve a path towards an articulated vision.

This sprint includes:
*all sessions conducted over Zoom or Miro
focus -focus - focus - focus
who is it for?

Founders or teams who feel stuck, a little murky, or out of gas and need to sharpen their focus.

  • Excavate your story so you can get back in touch with what drives you to show up everyday to the work.
  • Fine-tune your mission, vision and values so that you have it committed to memory.
  • Audit the complex moving pieces so you control the day – so it doesn’t control you.
when is it useful?

One-time, quarterly or annual check-in sessions that keep you on track towards your vision.

G etting yourself and your team to stay on path and continue to move in the same direction towards a vision is a practice. Not only does it require a heading, but systems in place to keep track of the path and many pivots along it.

what emerges after the sprint?

A focus manifesto or strategic vision for your venture.

After this one-week deep dive, you will be able to set a direction to get behind. A take-home deck synthesizing our work together can be used as a communication tool for team members or freelancers for continued integration into comms, product or design.

Was it useful?
image of an untapped lab client

“Totally efficient process to great outcomes!”

Michelle Ford,
Founder of Luminary Wellness

Book a free discovery call to see if a focus sprint is right for you at this time.

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other sprints.