sprint workhops.

3 — 3
Find your focus
3 months

Developing your venture assets.

Now that you’ve gone through a Flow Lab and you’re ready to bring those ideas to life — we can help you with that next step. Momentum workshops help you turn your vision into a reality by keeping you on track to develop assets and hitting milestones.

A MARATHON SPRINT works on two levels: continuous coaching to introduce you to building a personal (or team) “flow practice” AND constantly iterating on your vision to build the first brand assets orMVP of your business through a landing page or product deck.

This sprint includes:
*all sessions conducted over Zoom or Miro
momentum - momentum - momentum
who is it for?

Founders or teams who want to bring their vision to life and build swiftly while tapping flow.

  • Translate your strategic vision and product concepts into agreed upon brand assets.
  • Create a brand key and business model canvas to help brief team members or freelancers.
  • Get continuous feedback on various iterations so you know you’re on the right track.
when is it useful?

After completing a flow lab to engage in a creative process of constant iteration of the work and accountability checks on the flow.

I n three phases we will build a 100-day roadmap and define your business model, followed by designing your core assets or MVP, and finally testing your concept through small focus group feedback.

what emerges after the sprint?

A momentum roadmap, core assets & testable MVP.

After this 1-month intense SPRINT, we will have generated a solutions playbook of your venture that builds from values, strengths and purpose.

You’ll have clarity on what problems you love to solve, who you serve, what they urgently need, how you are best suited to serve them, where you sit in the landscape of offers, a clear concept, and a series of steps on how to move forward towards your first milestone.

Was it useful?
image of an untapped lab client

“12 weeks of intense coaching sprints allowed me to be "prepared" with a clearer vision and plan – and with a significant reduction in outlay compared to the MBA program I decided to skip!”

Indy Bahra,
Founder of The Guilt Club

Book a free discovery call to see if a momentum workshop is right for you at this time.

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other sprints.