Upregulated Breathing
Why it matters?
Before doing any of these techniques, it’s important to identify the dysregulation that would benefit from upregulated breathing.
Indicators are those of hypo-arousal: feeling sluggish, detached and disconnected. It may be difficult to concentrate, make decisions or move to act. There are many psychological factors that can amplify this overdriven “rest and digest” state like depression, trauma, chronic fatigue or medical conditions that drain our energy.
This is a state of feeling shut down, dissociated, numb and helpless. Upregulated breath (and movement) is a quick way to excite this parasympathetic dominance quickly and return to your window of tolerance.
How it works?
Wim Hof Method: restricting and slowing the amount of air we exhale.
Buteyko Method: quick release against mental stress and anxiety.
Air Gulps: training oxygen limitation and prolonged cycles of exhales.
Wim Hof Method
Buteyko Method
Air Gulps
Amplify and deepen your inhale to lower parasympathetic dominance in the body and upregulate sluggishness.