untapped toolkit

Downreg Breathing

Rapid reduction in stress levels with down-regulated breath work.
Downreg Breathing

Why it matters?

Before doing any of these techniques, it’s important to identify the dysregulation that would benefit from down regulated breathing.  

Indicators are those of hyperarousal: fight-flight response, emotional reactivity, panic, rage, hypervigilance, anxiety or impulsivity. You have increased activity or stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system characterized by an increased heart rate, release of adrenaline and other stress hormones along with desire to mobilize or be active. 

Perhaps your mind is racing, you’re feeling nervous or agitated, have shallow breathing or chest pain, and are easily startled. You have a decreased appetite and are likely suffering from insomnia and monkey mind. Downregulated breath is a quick way to calm this sympathetic dominance quickly and return to your window of tolerance. 


How it works?

Pursed Lips: restricting and slowing the amount of air we exhale.

Physiological Sigh: quick release against mental stress and anxiety.

4-7-8: training oxygen limitation and prolonged cycles of exhales.



Pursed Lips:

Psychological Sigh:


Take aways

Slow and prolong your exhale to lower sympathetic dominance in the body and downregulate excitability. 
