untapped toolkit

Frictionless Routines

Putting your good habits on autopilot.
Frictionless Routines

Why it matters?

When eliminating bad habits — you want friction to make it harder to (plug in your vice). But when building healthy routines, it’s important to eliminate procrastination, set clear steps and make the entire experience leading up to that action as frictionless as possible. 

Sound simple? Tell that to someone who likes to pace around the house, is often late, or is surrounded by friction on a normal day (shout out to parents or pet owners!). 

This is all easier said than done, but countless peak performance coaches are out there to keep you on track. Because frictionless routines are about less choice paralysis, they are easier in a lifestyle that is decluttered, minimalistic, and automated through systems. If that’s not quite you yet, start with one and soon enough, you’ll get a snowball effect.


How it works?

  • Master one new, meaningful habit at a time
  • Equate the new habit with just one metric (ie. a goal or the absence of an entire chunk of work)
  • Use visual tools and time to trigger the routine
  • Stack your habit with an existing autopilot routine 
  • Prime your environment to make the action easy
  • Reset the space so it’s ready for the next time
  • Find a buddy to hold you accountable
  • Don’t let failure early mean anything, try again, be consistent.


Frictionless Work – eliminate administrative tasks by:

  1. Getting rid of non-essential tasks (and outsourcing the rest)
  2. automate your systems (ie. scheduling / calendaring / bookkeeping)
  3. Turning off comments on your channels
  4. Selling your products through affiliate sites with auto-payments
  5. Focusing on selling through your highest return platform and outsource ad creation and posting

Frictionless Fitness – put your workout routine on autopilot. 

  1. Block mornings in your calendar
  2. Give yourself a 3-step morning routine: put on gear, brush teeth, drink water > out the door
  3. Set out your workout gear right next to the bed 
  4. Have your wallet/keys/gym bag right by the door
  5. Invest in a gym you like to go to with mini reward perks (ie. great coffee, sauna, shower gel — it can be the little things in your day).
Take aways

Tackle one new behavior change at a time, reduce as much friction as possible, and be consistent for at least 100-days.
