Those deep iceberg beliefs can be pretty hard to thaw.
And contrary to the abundance of magical manifesting mantra-ologies available online, shifting beliefs doesn't happen with a download of insights. Our rewiring takes a little more time to adapt until those beliefs translate into somatic imprints (a lasting ‘felt sense’), then into actions (consistent ones), and eventually habits (that get reinforced through a feedback loop).
In a nutshell: belief alone doesn't work.
The below pyramid is my observable take on how facets of one’s belief system can have a bit of a hierarchy or first-things-first approach to melting that dense base.
Lower level items are harder to move but absolutely fundamental to lasting shifts because we exercise our capacity to show up differently.
Higher level items are easier as perspective shifts, but if tackled first, end up being superficial affirmations or sporadic feedback on extraneous things.
For instance: if we start with meaning and learning, we can spin our hamster wheels in a dabbling of theory and ideas. There’s no deeper anchor to tether these options.
If we start with showing up as who we want to become and hone our attention and orientation, we train within a set of imposed constraints that don’t take us on a tangent. We begin to neurobiologically shift in a direction from which we can look back and extract meaning, not the other way around.
Simply put: “You can't think yourself into change.”
Though it’s not as simple as rote “doing” though (ie. hustle culture) – as the act of “being” is really an exercise in how we apply energy, where we place attention, and how we orient ourselves to show up differently.
These are applications that require skillful awareness and a subtle shifts that inform the cruder actions. It’s that 'how you do one thing is how you do everything’ type of action.
So first things first: who are you being and where are you placing your attention and energy?