"81% of founders are not really open about their stress, fears and challenges."
Came across some pretty alarming numbers in StartUp Snapshot's "The Untold Toll: impact of stress on the well-being of startup founders and CEOs."
Thanks to founder Yael Benjamin and collaborators for putting together this important piece and bringing transparency to the startup ecosystem.
More data with massive implications:
77% of founders do not get professional help even though...
76% report feeling being a founder is lonely.
73% spend less time with their families & friends.
72% report a toll on their mental health.
59% sleep less since starting a venture
47% exercise less after starting a venture
Only 10% talk to their investors about their stress.
...and much more revealing nuances.
I get related insights from everyone I coach around universal themes of:
"it's lonely at the top and I don't know what I'm doing"
"no one is stepping up, it would fall apart without me"
"i need to get my priorities straight"
"just gotta keep grinding"
"i'll make time for well-being after (countless excuses)"
...but it's another thing to see the actual numbers.
AND, there's an inherent paradox.
These risk-taking path finders would do it all again despite the downside!
A clear sign that the ecosystem itself needs some innovating:
* From pressuring investors to emotional partners.
* From failing fast to flowing forward.
* From hustle + grind to calm + agile.
* From masking to sharing.
If you support the startup ecosystem, how might you shift the culture?