untapped toolkit

Pull in Your Posse

Leverage your imagined support network to feel less like a lone wolf or impostor.
Pull in Your Posse

Why it matters?

Imposter syndrome can be a very lonely experience. Whether you’re a leader, founder or creative – the need to take risks and make hard calls comes hand in hand with a sense you’re doing this all alone and have no idea what you’re doing. The hard part is: sometimes the latter half of this statement cannot be reframed and it is entirely true. 

You may not know what you’re doing! But you don’t have to be alone. In addition to surrounding yourself with a strong network of supporters who understand your context, you can also draw upon the spiritual strength that comes from “pulling in your posse.” This technique, made popular by Wendy Palmer and the coaches at Leadership Embodiment, draws from Totemic Psychology to identify and visualize those symbols, people and objects that give us the necessary strength outside ourselves to move forward. Because, well, we ultimately stand on the shoulders of the giants before us.

Our overly individualistic world has disconnected us to the deeply rooted totemic traditions of the past that would draw meaning to one’s existence from the intricate web of influences that made us: our ancestors, the land, the animals, symbols left behind. We have a rich history of relating to the world and each other to make sense of daily life – before our Cartesian mental models reoriented our Western mindsets to favor the power of  “I” over “we.” However, our world is still rife with symbols, animal mascots, totems and ancestral crests that pay homage to the meaning-making of the past. 

This relational connection to something greater than us that carry shared meaning and transcendent power is a useful tool in times where we feel alone. We can “stand on the shoulders of the giants before us” through visualization techniques where these personal totems of deeper meaning can come to life, and supply us with the courage, conviction and commitment to move forward – especially when doing it on our own feels so impossible. 


How it works?

Sit in an upright position in a quiet place, void of distraction. Sit for several breaths till you feel a sense of relaxation and connection to the present moment.


  • Visualize the people in your past who have believed in you, standing behind you with hands supporting your back. 
  • Visualize the people in your life today who want the best for you and support your growth and well-being, standing on either side of you with hands on your arms and shoulders. 
  • Visualize the people you want to serve ahead of you, welcoming your talents, skills and energy to help them with their needs. 
  • Hold integrity in your system through centering and feel yourself fully supported in the here and now, knowing your direction.


  1. Think of the quality you need more of in this moment of feeling alone (ie. courage, compassion, grit)
  2. Visualize a totem (person, object, symbol) that wholly embodies this quality to you (ie. a lion, Dalai Lama, warrior’s armor)
  3. Allow this quality into your system as you integrate the energy it brings, channeling through you from the outside.
  4. Ask this totem to be with you through this challenge and carry that quality forward throughout the day.


Take aways

When we know we can’t do it alone, call upon your posse to give you the strength to move forward.
