untapped toolkit

Head, Heart, Gut

Process information thoroughly from your three brains.
Head, Heart, Gut

Why it matters?

The triune brain discovery from the 1960s has evolved from being a scientific discovery of neurons and data processing centers outside our heads, into a very useful personal barometer for how to best interact with the world to process information fully. 

Particularly when it comes to decision-making and ensuring ‘all our brains’ have a say. Our cephalic (head) brain is used for cognitive perception, creativity and making meaning of things as it leads our executive function. Our cardiac (heart) brain takes the lead on emotional processing, our values and connection with others; being the source of our passion and compassion (and tuggable heartstrings!). Our enteric (gut) brain is where we hold a deeper sense of self, leading on self-preservation, mobilization and indignance against fight/flight. 

Though all three centers are always working, the non-threatening, yet stressful work environments tend to favor our over-rationalizing brains – even though our heart and gut are receiving and sending more information up to our head brains more quickly. Given extra time, out the door goes gut instinct and emotional connection. Both highly problematic and the source of “second guessing ourselves all the time.” To show up fully to our three processing centers to become passionate leaders who have a deep sense of self and are highly creative despite the naysaying or need to appease, we need to practice checking in.


How it works?

Disclaimer: to some this can feel “inauthentic” or like “acting” or downright “silly.” Be open to the exercise for it reaps only gains by enlivening MORE of you. Think of it like trying on a new wardrobe that you’re not used to…until it becomes your new smashing style!

  • Wordsmith your vision statement until it feels ‘right for now’ to speak aloud. Find a quiet place and/or a non-judgmental witness to this exercise for feedback.
  • Stand centered and relaxed: with your feet firmly planted on the ground, shoulders, rib cage and hips in alignment with a slight micro-bend in the knee. 
  • Robotically say your vision statement 3 times so that it flows easily. 
  • Now speak your vision statement aloud “from your head” - thinking about each word and what it means. Pause: notice whether you said it with a quality of clarity or control. 
  • Now speak your vision statement aloud “from your heart” - feeling fully into the emotionality of what the statement means to you.
    Pause: notice whether you said it with a quality of courage or need for connection. 
  • Now speak your vision statement aloud “from your gut” - sensing into a deeper knowing of who you are when you say this.
    Pause: notice whether you said it with a quality of conviction or dissociation / fear. 
  • Try again while shifting the way you say this vision statement with more clarity, courage and conviction. 
  • Repeat with intensity till your body feels like it’s vibrating with a deep sense of knowing and excitement for what’s next. 


Take aways

Use your full thinking, feeling and surviving/thriving capacities by tapping into your three brains when making decisions and taking action.
