untapped toolkit

Future You

Visualizing your life as if you are experiencing it as a desired future.
Future You

Why it matters?

UAs visualization techniques become more mainstream in athletics, business and education; we can easier embrace the idea that in tandem to our actions, we need to set aside mental training for future performances. Picturing yourself accomplishing your goal is crucial to actually getting it done. Our brain thinks in images and recodes in sensory experiences. 

When visualizing a future reality, on terms of brain chemistry you are in fact storing a memory. The more often you practice, the stronger the imprint and it easier it is to recall when imagining it again. 

Therefore, getting crystal clear on visualizing a future version of you is imperative to shaping the reality that you desire; as we are priming our brains through selective visual pattern recognition (or the RAS or reticular activating system) to seek out opportunities (often noted as congruencies or synergies). 

The more we hone into this future reality, the more the path towards it begins to emerge. 


How it works?

Sit in an upright position in a quiet place, void of distraction, where you can ease into relaxed breathing and a deep sense of presence.

Know that for the next 5 minutes, you have carved out an extremely important date with your future self. No distractions. 

Carve out 5 minutes to play the audio provided.



Take aways

Shape your future reality by reinforcing a powerful vision of a future you. 
